"So rock you can roll it, so country you can step in it...a Hollywood Hootenanny"
click HERE to find Rockin Country Night Tickets
Junior Brown
Leon Russell
Joe Ely
LA Night
Rosie Flores
West Multimedia presents Rockin Country
Nights past shows from the wild wild west of Hollywood
West Multimedia, LLC and StudioClub.com
would like to dedicate these web shows to the
Teen Canteen in Hollywood, who have
assisted homeless and runaway youth since
1983. Click their logo and give to their
Wish List or give money to HELP...
Diana Rios and Mark Sellers
sez...be there be square
Willie Nelson says,
"Producing in Hollywood is like getting
nibbled to death by ducks...in Austin we
always said onward through the fog..."
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West Multimedia, LLC
If you are interested in using any of the copyright pictures
please email studioclubnews@yaho.com